Super Pulsing Versus Continuous Wave

In general, Laser Diodes and Light Emitting Diodes (LED) are either continuous wave or pulsed. The continuous wave diodes emit light energy for the entire time they are electrically driven, hence the name. They provide a fixed level of power during emission. Super pulsed LED diodes emit a series (frequency) of radiation impulses with high amplitude in an very short duration.
Each impulse of the super pulsed LED produces high peak power delivered for a very brief duration. It is the high power level during each pulse that creates the energy density necessary to deliver adequate doses to the target tissue. Even though the pulse peaks at a high power level, there are no thermal effects in the tissue. Therefore, the peak power of a pulsed LED is high compared to its average output power. By using super pulsed LEDs, one is able to more effectively deliver higher densities of light energy into the tissue without the associated deleterious thermal effects.
Almost every red light therapy system on the market utilizes the continuous wave mode to drive the LEDs which severely reduce the output power and the penetration depth into the tissue. This means less energy doses to the target tissue!
Unlike our competitors, LunaRay Medical utilizes the Super Pulsing (Patent Pending) to drive the LEDs. The peak power of the Infrared LED (850nm) is 500mW and the peak power of the Red LED (635nm) is 300mW. The average power is around 250mW. No Continuous Wave or high power LED can ever attempt this!
Photonic Modulation Versus Linear
Most red light therapy pads on the market now are operated linearly. They are made for a panel of LEDs, the LEDs are connected in series and directly powered from the system power supply. All the LEDs are powered On for the entire treatment session. While this method is very simple and cheap but it has a major disadvantage. The LED power must be reduced to a level that does not cause the pad to over heat and cause a damage to the patient skin. For example, a 15000mW pad with 500 LEDs, the LED power is only 30mW which is very low to deliver adequate energy doses to the target tissue. If the LED power is increased to 100mW, then the pad power will also increase to 50000mW (50W). This will generate too much heat that will cause a second degree burn to the patient skin and it will also damage the pad.
Unlike our competitors, LunaRay red light therapy pads are made from LED strips, each strip is made from 48 red LEDs and 23 infrared LEDs. The power of each strip is 12,000mW. A built-in microcomputer is used to super-pulsed the LED strips and to generate the necessary pulse modulation and scanning (Photonic Modulation) signal. Only two strips are powered on for a short period of time (Scanning Frequency) and it is user adjustable form 10HZ to 20HZ. This allows the pad to deliver a huge amount of power (up to 24,000mW) to the target tissue without over heating the skin or the pad.

Another major advantage of using LunaRay Photonic Modulation is to prevent the tissue from adapting to treatment. The constant use of the same energy rate and power can cause the body’s tissue to adapt to the light effects (photobiostimulation), thus limiting its healing power. Therefore it is necessary to provide variable energy rate and power to avoid tissue adaptation to the signaling frequency.
EnergySweep (Patent Pending) varies the scanning frequency and power density. By varying the scanning frequency and the power density, the penetration depth and the rate at which the energy is delivered are also varied reducing the the risk of biological adaptation to treatments.